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The Virtues of Selfish Service

Your Feelings of Selfishness Can Actually Help People in Need! By John J. Teng P.E. One day I was sitting in a church meeting where the church official was trying to motivate the attendees to improve their willingness to render acts of service to their fellow church members and also to members of our communities.  ...

Three Simple Steps to Start a Healthy Lifestyle

Simple considerations to help you reach your health and fitness goals By John Teng P.E. The subject of exercising and eating healthy has increasingly become a lifestyle trend that many people are catching onto, but I lament that there still seems to be a huge proportion of our society that is not taking advantage of ...

Your Words are Powerful

Your Words Have the Power to Build up or to Destroy by John J. Teng, P.E. I remember a phrase from my childhood that goes “sticks and stones can break my bones, but names can never hurt me.”  Well, I’m writing this article at this time, decades after I first learned that phrase, to say ...

Learn from the Mistakes of Others

By John Teng

When I was in High School one of my teachers told our class that “those who don’t learn from history are bound to repeat it.” One of the earliest pieces of valuable advice that I received came from one of my Uncles. He told me “if you don’t use your head your whole body will ...

Is It Time to Start a New Career? How to Make the Big Switch?

By John Teng

Your career is one of the ways you identify yourself. It is a part of you that tells others how you make a living and provide for your family. However, in a 2009 market survey statistics showed that nearly 65% of middle aged men were looking for new jobs in their field or were switching ...

Selective Short Term Memory

Let me share another one of my secrets with you: I have selective short term memory. I recently invited one of my guy friend and his family to my son’s baptism and he said “yah that’s awesome, I’ll see you there.” I later came to find out from his wife a day before the event ...

Be the Turtle

As I mentioned in another article about my father, he is full Chinese and was born in Mainland China. As a younger man, my father was the charismatic, handsome, and high achieving academic that had graduated from the top University of Taiwan and had then come to the United States in order to pursue his ...

Professional Flexibility

Several years ago, my former College of Civil Engineering invited me back to speak to their students as part of the weekly engineering lecture series. The following 6 points make up the majority of what I wanted to convey in my speech of which I am sharing with you today. The title that I gave ...

Goal Setting and Hitting Your Target

Many of you already know that I am very goal oriented person.  I know what I want in life, but I am also “man enough” to admit that I am not necessarily the fastest, strongest, or the smartest person that I know. One special personal trait I do highly value however is my willingness to ...

What’s Wrong with Men These Days?

Middle aged men are out of control … and they are paying the price. You see it everywhere you look: your neighborhood; workplace; even in the church. Men are having affairs; going into debt; and basically running their lives into the ground. What is driving these men to speed toward the cliff — and over ...

Am I Doomed for a Midlife Crisis?

Midlife is fast approaching and you notice that a lot of guys you know between the ages of 45-55 seem to be acting, well, a bit unusual. They may be sporting a new younger hairstyle or clothing choices or maybe they are suddenly reverting to their adolescent personas. Some may be becoming the butt of ...

What Does a Midlife Crisis Feel Like?

You feel restless, unhappy, angry, and frustrated all of the time. Nothing satisfies you and you are beginning to dream about quitting your job; selling your house; leaving your wife and well, just walking away from your life. Wait! Take one second to consider this: maybe your life isn’t half as bad right now as ...

Are You Experiencing a Midlife Crisis or Simply Midlife Changes?

By John Teng

Life is full of experiences. Without them the journey would not be nearly as entertaining. Sometimes though, these experiences cause changes that seem to uproot everything you know. Change can be chaotic; but it doesn’t have to cause you to doubt your life or your relationships. Let’s face it, guys like to be in control. ...

Secrets to Your Success

Want to be the next CEO at your company? Or maybe you simply want a raise. Achieving success isn’t just about working hard and knowing your business well. Most business experts agree that in order to succeed at business, you must also possess these important traits: A Positive Attitude. Negative people simply don’t become successful ...

Good Risks vs. Bad Risks

Once you reach middle age you may begin to experience stress and anxiety based upon your life. You may wonder where your life is going, if you have really entered the right career path, and even wonder if your spouse is the right one for you? You will probably have the urge to “feel young ...

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